Apex Coding Classes

Apex Coding

Enchance your techskills and become a coder

Online coding classes for kids :

Here at Apex Academy, we are dedicated to offering online coding for kids invaluable IT skills in different areas such as software, hardware, games development, web development, graphic design, and many more. We teach kids in a couple of age groups, aged 5 – 12 years old, and 12 years Above.

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What We Do !

Every kid is a genius. In today’s world, there’s nothing a child can’t do. From coding to website designing or game development, no domain is now limited to just adults. We can see children overshadowing adults in all these areas. The trick is to start when you’re young.

Through our online instructor led learning, we offer a good blend of technical knowledge with important life skills, creativity, interactive education, team-work, and project-based learning.

Bootstrap demo


APEX Abacus and Vedic Math Academy serves as the best and most trusted Online Abacus Academy in India. We practice, unique teaching methods to nurture our children.

Working Hours

8am - 5pm , Monday - Saturday

TO know more about us Reach Us .